
Grupo Corsa > Empresa > Products > Cold/Gas Generators


The BOX 30 and BOX 80 can be discretely and functionally adapted to any space. A smart solution that saves space and only leaves the dispensing point visible, and which can be combined with any type of column.

Our BOX models are characterised by:
  • Easily accessible interior.
  • Made completely of stainless steel.
  • 3 dispensing options: cold, ambient and sparkling water.
  • Cooling with R290 gas, without flourides.
  • Cooling technology: ice bank (Box 80) or dry refrigeration (Box 30).
  • Water pressure reducer and recirculation pump (optional).

Box 30

260 x 416 x 416 mm
Download technical data sheet

Box 30

Box 80

260 x 416 x 416 mm
Download technical data sheet

Box 80